Released in 2009
Featuring the III/54 1992 Schantz organ at College Church, Wheaton, IL
Available for $12 (free shipping). To order a copy, contact me.
"The God of Abraham praise" - Fantasia on LEONI
"Immortal, invisible, God only wise" - ST. DENIO
"Stand up and bless the Lord" - ST. MICHAEL
"Rejoice, the Lord is King" - DARWALL'S 148th
"O God, our help in ages past" - ST. ANNE
"Jesus, lover of my soul" - ABERYSTWYTH
"Breathe on me, breath of God" - TRENTHAM
"Come, Thou long-expected Jesus" - HYFRYDOL
"Once He came in blessing" - GOTTES SOHN IST KOMMEN
"Let all mortal flesh keep silence" - PICARDY
"See amid the winter's snow" - HUMILITY
"On Christmas night" - SUSSEX CAROL
"Creator of the stars of night" - CONDITOR ALME SIDERUM
"Now let us go, O shepherds" - VAMOS PASTORES
"O little town of Bethlehem" - FOREST GREEN
A LENT & EASTER SUITE (tracks 16-19)
"What wondrous love is this?" WONDROUS LOVE
"All glory, laud and honor" - ST. THEODULPH
"Come, you faithful, raise the strain" - ST. KEVIN
"The head that once was crowned with thorns" - ST. MAGNUS
"Come, you thankful people, come" - ST. GEORGE'S WINDSOR
"Now thank we all our God" - NUN DANKET
"For the beauty of the earth" - DIX
"Be still, my soul" - FINLANDIA
"If you but trust in God" - WER NUR DEN LIEBEN GOTT
"Built on a rock" - KIRKEN DEN ER ET GAMMELT HUS
"Come we that love the Lord" - MARCHING TO ZION
"How firm a foundation" - FOUNDATION
"I love your church, O Lord" - ST. THOMAS
I. Procession
II. Aria
III. Litany
IV. Fanfares